“Girls, it sounds super interesting but really how to use CBD oil?” or “How to take CBD oil?” are the questions we get asked the most by people only after “But what is that?”. So now that you know what CBD oil is (if you come here from a new and still not clear you can read it here) we tell you how to use it.
The truth is that CBD oil has a lot of benefits but, being completely honest, in this super advanced country that is Spain (sarcasm) the sale of CBD oil is intended to be a cosmetic or personal care product. The sale for ingestion is simply not regulated. But well, let’s skip the preamble and get to the point:
Topical use (regulated in Spain)
One of the ways to use CBD oil is to put it directly on the skin (or mix it with some cream), in this way, the CBD reaches local targets such as muscles, localized inflammation, pain-sensing cells, redness, eczema, psoriasis, etc.
Using CBD in this way is perfect for when you want to treat a skin problem or some other problem in a more punctual way.
There are many countries like the USA, Switzerland, Germany, England, Italy, and even Ecuador that go one step ahead and their experts advise the sublingual use of CBD to take better advantage of all its effects.
Sublingual use means taking the oil under the tongue. If you are wondering “Why is that?” It is because under the tongue we have an area with many capillaries and so the CBD is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, it is sent directly to the whole body and the effects are felt much faster. Of course, it is recommended to have it under your tongue for at least 30 seconds before swallowing.
Also, when you have never used the oil in this way, experts recommend you to start with a low amount (about 4 drops) and as you see how it works, increase if necessary, it is important not to start too strong because it can make you numb. Keep in mind that some people need only 2 drops and others need half a pipette or more. Anyway, we have an article in which we explain this in depth.
In all the countries we were talking about they use this way of consumption especially to treat anxiety problems, and stress, to feel relaxed, to remove more general pain, and even to dampen the symptoms of Parkinson’s and epilepsy. The truth is that this is super interesting, if you want to know more we leave you a link to a video of how CBD helps a Parkinson’s patient and another to an article on how CBD helped a child with epilepsy.
CBD can be swallowed directly, although the most common way (because it is cooler) is to add it to a non-alcoholic beverage, such as coffee, a smoothie, a juice, or a non-alcoholic cocktail. If you found this article useful, you may also visit Next Xpress News to read more about useful tips and information.
Experts tell us that this is the slowest way of absorption but it is also the way in which the effects last longer, although the effect is lighter than sublingually. That’s because CBD travels through the digestive system and then is absorbed into the bloodstream and travels throughout the body. This way, the effect lasts between 1 and 6 hours, but it is a lighter effect.
Also, we are told, it should be taken into account that we absorb more cannabinoids on a full stomach, which will produce more effects. CBD is also fat-soluble, which means that consuming healthy fat can increase the dose of CBD that reaches the bloodstream.